Look back… It’s okay.

2 min readMay 24, 2021

More often than not, we’re told to keep moving forward. To not look back because that’s not the direction where we’re going. But if there’s one thing I learned, it is that looking back, tracing old steps, it won’t hurt you. In fact, it will help you.

About a month ago, someone from Instagram contacted me out of the blue. @crystalhillsorganics messaged me and asked if she can share an article I wrote. That article was four years old, folks. It’s old. I have grown so much as a writer and as a person. And to be honest, I feel like all I’ve written back then, back when I was still figuring out the kind of writer I wanted to be — all of them were shit articles meant to be buried. But her message touched something in me and I told her it was totally okay to share the article.

Today, I realized what exactly it touched in me. I was reminded of my love for writing. Not the work kind, although the article she wanted to share was technically, work. But I’m reminded of why I loved writing for myself, why I love writing about the things that resonate with me.

Which is why, I am back here!

I don’t know how often I’ll write here. But I do know that my current self enjoys retracing old steps, meeting with my old self, and telling her the things I wish someone had told me. And more importantly, allowing her to remind me of the great things I used to enjoy.

It’s a crazy world out there, folks. Sometimes, we need to be the old versions of ourselves and talk to them from a place of love and compassion. And let’s hear them out too! They probably have great stories to tell.




Tammy Danan is a B2B & B2C creative writer exploring how productivity & creative pursuits intersect with our everyday life. Almost always playing w/ stray cats.